March 7, 2011

Does anybody know where can i get a healthy dosage of creative juice?I am desperate cos I'm THIS close to digging out my brain with a fork out of frustration.This whole magazine module is driving me nuts and I'm just not inspired at all.
It's either I do something that I am passionate about and am interested in ,can be sure to bring in advertisers but awfully mainstreamed and common and get F for creativity but A for research and justifications or do something completely out of my comfort zone with high level of risk and I know nothing of and probably get A for creativity but probably F for feasibility.le sigh.
Sucks to be me right now.
I've disappeared for a long while because I found it tough to blog about personal stuffs knowing how easy it is for people to stalk another person through the web these days.Making this blog private is a huge hassle and I'm just plain lazy too busy for that.
I'll be honest.I freaked out a little when I accidentally found that an ex classmate of mine was reading my blog(i walked past her laptop and saw my blog staring back at me from her screen and gasped and looked away pretending not to see it).I set up this blog with the purpose of keeping friends updated on my life and whine here like nobody's business but I started to feel embarrassed disturbed uncomfortable when someone i don't know that well googled my name and read stuffs i wrote about myself.
Ahh well I'm quite sure those ppl would've stopped coming back to check this blog when I've stopped updating for months.So I'm back :D

0 nose shit(s):