July 23, 2010

i'm pretty nervous to show these pictures actually.this,coupled with my growingly annoying wisdom teeth pain are driving me crazy almost every night :(
im sorry i've neglected you all(yess,all 2 and a half readers that i have) for awhile because i've been mighty busy with the preparations!i didnt know that doing photoshoot can release the inner grandma in me.i had to recuperate for 2 days after that to gain back the energy that i released violently to look like a half decent amateur model FML T__T
umm alright.i'm gonna release some spoilers up here before i launch my blogshop a few days from now.i hope that people can give me feedbacks on what can i improve on.and before that i have to say,i'm not a model so pls be a little gentle if you wanna bash that i'm fugly or fat or have bat wings arms wth.i have feelings too okay T__T
okay no.i think i'm not ready to show em' pics yet T__T gimme a day or two more alright?

0 nose shit(s):