August 3, 2010

ohh god i haven't blogged for the longest time and whenever i see the counter thing and realise that people still come to check out this space when i don't update,it makes me feel guilty.and then i'll start nomming everything to feel less guilty.
hmm.i feel like baking something.sorry to side track.
i'm so nervous that i can faint,seriously.i think i am gonna hire models when i make enough money cos i feel embarrassed to promote my blog in case people see the pictures and roll on the floor laughing T__T if that happens,i would just gonna dig out my eyeballs and die on the spot.
i hope you'll love the pieces as much as i love them :)

currently,we only mail locally so for my friends who are overseas(or those in Singapore who doesn't wanna get anything from me T__T),i would love you to check out the blogsphop and give me feedback and even criticism!
Click here!

0 nose shit(s):