May 16, 2010

and if you still do,i really don't get why since i update so irregularly and at a pace absolutely nothing near to frequent.
i just found out was that me being indecisive,fickle-minded and have the tendency to exaggerate is because i am a middle-child.i was like,stunned for 5 minutes or so before the lightbulb lighted up on my head.imaginary one,of wonder i've been like this all's never really my fault O_O
and i also realised that if i dont start blogging about my taiwan trip or my japan trip from a month or two ago,i'd still be blogging about it by the time i'm 50 years old(sorry,well you know now that i'm only exaggerating cos i'm the middle child and all)
june is gonna be a really busy month for me cos first of all,i'm going on a cruise trip with the boyfriend and his parents which is gonna make a pit stop in vietnam.
honestly,i am not as excited as i was when i was going to japan or taiwan or even thailand last year with my siblings.i mean,what is there in vietnam other than hanoi river and malaria *insert gasp here and i dont know,crocodiles?motorcycles?sorry,i am not really equipped with knowledge of what's fun in vietnam.and another thing is i have sea sickness.this trip will last for 6 days T__T i hope i'll survive.but i guess the good thing is i'll get to spend time with the boyfriend hehe.
and then the day that we reach singapore we'll have a mad rush to go back to my hometown right away for my grandparents' surprise 50th anniversary O_O i know,i feel that i'm crazy too.but i completely cannot contain my excitement to go pasar malam(though we have to act like international spies and ensure at all cost that my grandma wouldn't be able to spot us cos we're kinda part of the surprise) and I'M FINALLY GONNA MEET STEPHENIE AFTER 34873491274812 YEARS!
and since it's the holiday period i am hoping that i'll bump into many ipoh friends that i havent seen in a long time :D ohh we'll be bringing the boyfriend to eat ipoh hor fun,'ngar choy kai',cendol(singapore ones suck seriously -.-) and as many as we can fit into our short 4 days trip ! i am stoked !!
kay then after that i would have to rush a crystal signboard for my sister's new outlet and end of the month,i'll be leaving singapore again for my big project that i haven't tell many people about.i hope it will all go well.
and i feel like im at this big crossroad of life where i am confused and undecided of which path i should take and it's frustrating me to no end :( all i know is i have a big dream,a long list of things i wanna accomplish and i am determined letting myself only room for success and not failure.i really pray that it'll all turn out good in the end.
.'s a good thing not many people read my blog these days.i can pour my heart out and not get judged for it.some photos to end the post before i go compose a wedding post while waiting for my hair to dry.
had dinner with my lovelies whom i've not hung out with for sucha long lonnnggg time last night.had thai food for dinner and played around at F21 hehe.







on thursday,went out with part of the usual gang to have a mini celebration for bra.












had fun playing with mj's iphone lomo effect.maybe i should get one too.okay actually i dont really know if im referring to the iphone or a lomo cam but i'm diggin both but you know,i'm currently broke like mad so i'll just shove this to the wish list for now.good night !

0 nose shit(s):